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Publications scientifiques

L’unité d’hypertension artérielle de l’hôpital européen Georges Pompidou (Paris) est impliquée dans de nombreuses publications scientifiques. Voici une liste non exhaustive des articles scientifiques parus dans la presse médicale à comité de lecture


  1. Azizi M, Sharp ASP, Fisher NDL, Weber MA, Lobo MD, Daemen J, Lurz P, Mahfoud F, Schmieder RE, Basile J, Bloch MJ, Saxena M, Wang Y, Sanghvi K, Jenkins JS, Devireddy C, Rader F, Gosse P, Claude L, Augustin DA, McClure CK, Kirtane AJ, Investigators R. Patient-level pooled analysis of endovascular ultrasound renal denervation or a sham procedure 6 months after medication escalation: The radiance clinical trial program. Circulation. 2024;149:747-759. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066941.
  2. Pathak A, Boulestreau R, Sapoval M, Lantelme P, Duly-Bouhanick B, Benamer H, Bejan-Angoulvant T, Cremer A, Amar L, Delarche N, Ormezzano O, Sabouret P, Silhol F, Sosner P, Lopez-Sublet M, Cohen A, Courand PY, Azizi M. Catheter-based renal denervation in the treatment of arterial hypertension: An expert consensus statement on behalf of the french society of hypertension (sfhta), french society of radiology (sfr), french society of interventional cardiology (gaci), french society of cardiology (sfc), french association of private cardiologists (cncf), french association of hospital cardiologists (cnch), french society of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (sfctcv) and french society of vascular and endovascular surgery (scve). Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2024;117:601-611. 10.1016/j.acvd.2024.05.122.
  3. Vukadinovic D, Lauder L, Kandzari DE, Bhatt DL, Kirtane AJ, Edelman ER, Schmieder RE, Azizi M, Bohm M, Mahfoud F. Effects of catheter-based renal denervation in hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Circulation. 2024;150:1599-1611. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.124.069709.
  4. Amar L, Harbuz-Miller I, Turcu AF. Adrenal incidentaloma-innocent bystander or intruder? J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024;109:e1303-e1304. 10.1210/clinem/dgad504.
  5. Baudin E, Goichot B, Berruti A, Hadoux J, Moalla S, Laboureau S, Nolting S, de la Fouchardiere C, Kienitz T, Deutschbein T, Zovato S, Amar L, Haissaguerre M, Timmers H, Niccoli P, Faggiano A, Angokai M, Lamartina L, Luca F, Cosentini D, Hahner S, Beuschlein F, Attard M, Texier M, Fassnacht M, Endocan C, Networks E. Sunitinib for metastatic progressive phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas: Results from firstmappp, an academic, multicentre, international, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, phase 2 trial. Lancet. 2024;403:1061-1070. 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02554-0.
  6. de Freminville JB, Gardini M, Cremer A, Camelli S, Baron S, Bobrie G, Gosse P, Boulestreau R, Gebara N, Doublet J, Dussartre T, Grataloup C, Lorthioir A, Massien C, Madjalian AM, Riancho J, Soulat G, Postel-Vinay N, Azizi M, Rance B, Amar L. Prevalence and risk factors for secondary hypertension in young adults. Hypertension. 2024;81:2340-2349. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.22753.
  7. Boulestreau R, Lorthioir A, Dreau H, Persu A, Cremer A, Tharaux PL, Rubin S, Maier B, Mazighi M, Seris A, Paques M, Bonnin S, Halimi JM, Debeugny S, Gosse P, for the Hi. Baseline characteristics of the first 302 patients included for acute malignant hypertension crisis in the prospective multidisciplinary hama cohort. J Hypertens. 2024;42:2131-2138. 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003851.
  8. Rech JS, Postel-Vinay N, Vercamer V, de Villele P, Steichen O. User engagement with home blood pressure monitoring: A multinational cohort using real-world data collected with a connected device. J Hypertens. 2024;10.1097/HJH.0000000000003861. 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003861.
  9. Postel-Vinay N, Gebara N, Asmar R, Stephan D, Lorthioir A, Amar L. Home blood pressure measurement self-reporting in real-life practices using the hy-result app: Self-monitoring and digital pathway. Mhealth. 2024;10:13. 10.21037/mhealth-23-66.
  10. Wojciechowska W, Rajzer M, Kreutz R, Weber T, Bursztyn M, Persu A, Stergiou G, Parati G, Bilo G, Pac A, Grassi G, Mancia G, Januszewicz A, Chrostowska M, Narkiewicz K, Dubiela A, Doumas M, Imprialos K, Stavropoulos K, de Freminville JB, Azizi M, et al. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on blood pressure control in patients with treated hypertension-results of the european society of hypertension study (esh abpm covid-19 study). J Hypertens. 2024;42:2065-2074. 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003752.
  11. Wang LZ, Oehmichen B, Pariente B, Mohamedi N, Cheng C, Detriche G, Galloula A, Lilo Le Louet A, Messas E, Amar L, Goudot G, Mirault T. Fluoroquinolone use preceding visceral artery dissection: A case series. Angiology. 2024;75:992-997. 10.1177/00033197231207945.
  12. Taylor RS, Bentley A, Metcalfe K, Lobo MD, Kirtane AJ, Azizi M, Clark C, Murphy K, Boer JH, van Keep M, Ta AT, Barman NC, Schwab G, Akehurst R, Schmieder RE. Cost effectiveness of endovascular ultrasound renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension. Pharmacoecon Open. 2024;8:525-537. 10.1007/s41669-024-00472-z.
  13. Taieb D, Nolting S, Perrier ND, Fassnacht M, Carrasquillo JA, Grossman AB, Clifton-Bligh R, Wanna GB, Schwam ZG, Amar L, Bourdeau I, Casey RT, Crona J, Deal CL, Del Rivero J, Duh QY, Eisenhofer G, Fojo T, Ghayee HK, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Gill AJ, Hicks R, Imperiale A, Jha A, Kerstens MN, de Krijger RR, Lacroix A, Lazurova I, Lin FI, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Maher ER, Mete O, Naruse M, Nilubol N, Robledo M, Sebag F, Shah NS, Tanabe A, Thompson GB, Timmers H, Widimsky J, Young WJ, Jr., Meuter L, Lenders JWM, Pacak K. Management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in patients with germline sdhb pathogenic variants: An international expert consensus statement. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2024;20:168-184. 10.1038/s41574-023-00926-0.
  14. Pintus G, Seccia TM, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Widimsky J, Naruse M, Kocjan T, Negro A, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Rump LC, Vonend O, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Chee NYN, Magill SB, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Lee BC, Chang CC, Wu VC, Kratka Z, Battistel M, Bagordo D, Caroccia B, Ceolotto G, Rossitto G, Rossi GP. Subtype identification of surgically curable primary aldosteronism during treatment with mineralocorticoid receptor blockade. Hypertension. 2024;81:1391-1399. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.22721.
  15. Mancini M, Buffet A, Porte B, Amar L, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Criniere L, Baudin E, Meatchi T, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Favier J, Burnichon N. Epas1-mutated paragangliomas associated with haemoglobin disorders. Br J Haematol. 2024;204:1054-1060. 10.1111/bjh.19278.
  16. Mahfoud F, Azizi M, Daemen J, Sharp ASP, Patak A, Iglesias JF, Kirtane A, Fisher NDL, Scicli A, Lobo MD. Real-world experience with ultrasound renal denervation utilizing home blood pressure monitoring: The global paradise system registry study design. Clin Res Cardiol. 2024;113:1375-1383. 10.1007/s00392-023-02325-x.
  17. Lussey-Lepoutre C, Pacak K, Grossman A, Taieb D, Amar L. Overview of recent guidelines and consensus statements on initial screening and management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in sdhx pathogenic variant carriers and patients. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024;10.1016/j.beem.2024.101938:101938. 10.1016/j.beem.2024.101938.
  18. Kreutz R, Azizi M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Kahan T, Lurbe E, Polonia J, Tsioufis K, Weber T, Williams B, Mancia G. Why were the 2023 guidelines of the european society of hypertension not developed as joint guidelines together with the european society of cardiology? Blood Press. 2024;33:2317263. 10.1080/08037051.2024.2317263.
  19. Knuchel R, Erlic Z, Gruber S, Amar L, Larsen CK, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Mulatero P, Tetti M, Pecori A, Pamporaki C, Langton K, Peitzsch M, Ceccato F, Prejbisz A, Januszewicz A, Adolf C, Remde H, Lenzini L, Dennedy M, Deinum J, Jefferson E, Blanchard A, Zennaro MC, Eisenhofer G, Beuschlein F. Association of adrenal steroids with metabolomic profiles in patients with primary and endocrine hypertension. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2024;15:1370525. 10.3389/fendo.2024.1370525.
  20. Halimi JM, Sarafidis P, Azizi M, Bilo G, et al. Management of patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease referred to hypertension excellence centres among 27 countries. On behalf of the european society of hypertension working group on hypertension and the kidney. Blood Press. 2024;33:2368800. 10.1080/08037051.2024.2368800.
  21. Halimi JM, Sarafidis P, Azizi M, Bilo G, et al. Screening and management of hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease referred to hypertension excellence centres among 27 countries. A pilot survey based on questionnaire. J Hypertens. 2024;42:1544-1554. 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003756.
  22. Drossart T, Buffet A, Janbain A, Ottolenghi C, Amar L, Libe R, Drui D, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Mancini M, Lounis T, Guenegou-Arnoux A, Meatchi T, Bertherat J, Burnichon N, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Group C-TS. Biomarkers improving genetic and metastatic disease prediction in paraganglioma: Insights from a prospective study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024;10.1210/clinem/dgae797. 10.1210/clinem/dgae797.
  23. Domenge O, Fayol A, Ladouceur M, Wahbi K, Amar L, Carette C, Hagege A, Hulot JS. Trends in prevalence of major etiologies leading to heart failure in young patients: An integrative review. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2024;34:80-88. 10.1016/j.tcm.2022.09.005.
  24. Craiem D, Guilenea F, de Freminville JB, Azizi M, Casciaro ME, Gencer U, Jannot AS, Amar L, Soulat G, Mousseaux E. Abdominal aortic calcium and geometry in patients with essential hypertension. Diagn Interv Imaging. 2024;105:174-182. 10.1016/j.diii.2023.12.005.
  25. Casey RT, Hendriks E, Deal C, Waguespack SG, Wiegering V, Redlich A, Akker S, Prasad R, Fassnacht M, Clifton-Bligh R, Amar L, Bornstein S, Canu L, Charmandari E, Chrisoulidou A, Freixes MC, de Krijger R, de Sanctis L, Fojo A, Ghia AJ, Huebner A, Kosmoliaptsis V, Kuhlen M, Raffaelli M, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Marks SD, Nilubol N, Parasiliti-Caprino M, Timmers H, Zietlow AL, Robledo M, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Grossman AB, Taieb D, Maher ER, Lenders JWM, Eisenhofer G, Jimenez C, Pacak K, Pamporaki C. International consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in children and adolescents. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2024;20:729-748. 10.1038/s41574-024-01024-5.
  26. Bloch MJ, Kirtane AJ, Azizi M, Mahfoud F, Basile J, Daemen J, Saxena M, Thackeray L, McGuire M, Claude L, Schmieder RE, Investigators R-H. 36-month durability of ultrasound renal denervation for hypertension resistant to combination therapy in radiance-htn trio. Hypertens Res. 2024;10.1038/s41440-024-01854-w. 10.1038/s41440-024-01854-w.
  27. Birtolo MF, Armignacco R, Benanteur N, Baussart B, Villa C, De Murat D, Guignat L, Groussin L, Libe R, Zennaro MC, Saidi M, Perlemoine K, Letourneur F, Amar L, Bertherat J, Jouinot A, Assie G. Whole blood transcriptomic signature of cushing’s syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2024;191:55-63. 10.1093/ejendo/lvae083.




  1. Azizi M. Decreasing the effects of aldosterone in resistant hypertension – a success story. N Engl J Med. 2023;388:461-463. 10.1056/NEJMe2216143.
  2. Amar L, Harbuz-Miller I, Turcu AF. Adrenal incidentaloma – innocent bystander or intruder? J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023;10.1210/clinem/dgad504. 10.1210/clinem/dgad504.
  3. Azizi M, Saxena M, Wang Y, Jenkins JS, Devireddy C, Rader F, Fisher NDL, Schmieder RE, Mahfoud F, Lindsey J, Sanghvi K, Todoran TM, Pacella J, Flack J, Daemen J, Sharp ASP, Lurz P, Bloch MJ, Weber MA, Lobo MD, Basile J, Claude L, Reeve-Stoffer H, McClure CK, Kirtane AJ, Investigators RI, Collaborators. Endovascular ultrasound renal denervation to treat hypertension: The radiance ii randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2023;329:651-661. 10.1001/jama.2023.0713.
  4. Azizi M, Sharp ASP, Fisher NDL, Weber MA, Lobo MD, Daemen J, Lurz P, Mahfoud F, Schmieder RE, Basile J, Bloch MJ, Saxena M, Wang Y, Sanghvi K, Jenkins JS, Devireddy C, Rader F, Gosse P, Claude L, Augustin DA, McClure CK, Kirtane AJ, Investigators R. Patient-level pooled analysis of endovascular ultrasound renal denervation or a sham procedure at 6 months following medication escalation: The radiance clinical trial program. Circulation. 2023;10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066941. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066941.
  5. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunstrom M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei E, Algharably EAE, Azizi M, Benetos A, Borghi C, Hitij JB, Cifkova R, Coca A, Cornelissen V, Cruickshank JK, Cunha PG, Danser AHJ, Pinho RM, Delles C, Dominiczak AF, Dorobantu M, Doumas M, Fernandez-Alfonso MS, Halimi JM, Jarai Z, Jelakovic B, Jordan J, Kuznetsova T, Laurent S, Lovic D, Lurbe E, Mahfoud F, Manolis A, Miglinas M, Narkiewicz K, Niiranen T, Palatini P, Parati G, Pathak A, Persu A, Polonia J, Redon J, Sarafidis P, Schmieder R, Spronck B, Stabouli S, Stergiou G, Taddei S, Thomopoulos C, Tomaszewski M, Van de Borne P, Wanner C, Weber T, Williams B, Zhang ZY, Kjeldsen SE. 2023 esh guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension the task force for the management of arterial hypertension of the european society of hypertension: Endorsed by the international society of hypertension (ish) and the european renal association (era). J Hypertens. 2023;41:1874-2071. 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003480.
  6. Barbato E, Azizi M, Schmieder RE, Lauder L, Bohm M, Brouwers S, Bruno RM, Dudek D, Kahan T, Kandzari DE, Luscher TF, Parati G, Pathak A, Ribichini FL, Schlaich MP, Sharp ASP, Sudano I, Volpe M, Tsioufis C, Wijns W, Mahfoud F. Renal denervation in the management of hypertension in adults. A clinical consensus statement of the esc council on hypertension and the european association of percutaneous cardiovascular interventions (eapci). Eur Heart J. 2023;44:1313-1330. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad054.
  7. Barbato E, Azizi M, Schmieder RE, Lauder L, Bohm M, Brouwers S, Bruno RM, Dudek D, Kahan T, Kandzari DE, Luscher TF, Parati G, Pathak A, Ribichini FL, Schlaich MP, Sharp ASP, Sudano I, Volpe M, Tsioufis C, Wijns W, Mahfoud F. Renal denervation in the management of hypertension in adults. A clinical consensus statement of the esc council on hypertension and the european association of percutaneous cardiovascular interventions (eapci). EuroIntervention. 2023;18:1227-1243. 10.4244/EIJ-D-22-00723.
  8. Wu X, Azizan EAB, Goodchild E, Garg S, Hagiyama M, Cabrera CP, Fernandes-Rosa FL, Boulkroun S, Kuan JL, Tiang Z, David A, Murakami M, Mein CA, Wozniak E, Zhao W, Marker A, Buss F, Saleeb RS, Salsbury J, Tezuka Y, Satoh F, Oki K, Udager AM, Cohen DL, Wachtel H, King PJ, Drake WM, Gurnell M, Ceral J, Ryska A, Mustangin M, Wong YP, Tan GC, Solar M, Reincke M, Rainey WE, Foo RS, Takaoka Y, Murray SA, Zennaro MC, Beuschlein F, Ito A, Brown MJ. Somatic mutations of cadm1 in aldosterone-producing adenomas and gap junction-dependent regulation of aldosterone production. Nat Genet. 2023;55:1009-1021. 10.1038/s41588-023-01403-0.
  9. Taieb D, Wanna GB, Ahmad M, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Perrier ND, Nolting S, Amar L, Timmers H, Schwam ZG, Estrera AL, Lim M, Pollom EL, Vitzthum L, Bourdeau I, Casey RT, Castinetti F, Clifton-Bligh R, Corssmit EPM, de Krijger RR, Del Rivero J, Eisenhofer G, Ghayee HK, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Grossman A, Imperiale A, Jansen JC, Jha A, Kerstens MN, Kunst HPM, Liu JK, Maher ER, Marchioni D, Mercado-Asis LB, Mete O, Naruse M, Nilubol N, Pandit-Taskar N, Sebag F, Tanabe A, Widimsky J, Meuter L, Lenders JWM, Pacak K. Clinical consensus guideline on the management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in patients harbouring germline sdhd pathogenic variants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2023;11:345-361. 10.1016/S2213-8587(23)00038-4.
  10. Taieb D, Nolting S, Perrier ND, Fassnacht M, Carrasquillo JA, Grossman AB, Clifton-Bligh R, Wanna GB, Schwam ZG, Amar L, Bourdeau I, Casey RT, Crona J, Deal CL, Del Rivero J, Duh QY, Eisenhofer G, Fojo T, Ghayee HK, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Gill AJ, Hicks R, Imperiale A, Jha A, Kerstens MN, de Krijger RR, Lacroix A, Lazurova I, Lin FI, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Maher ER, Mete O, Naruse M, Nilubol N, Robledo M, Sebag F, Shah NS, Tanabe A, Thompson GB, Timmers H, Widimsky J, Young WJ, Jr., Meuter L, Lenders JWM, Pacak K. Management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in patients with germline sdhb pathogenic variants: An international expert consensus statement. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2023;10.1038/s41574-023-00926-0. 10.1038/s41574-023-00926-0.
  11. Wang LZ, Oehmichen B, Pariente B, Mohamedi N, Cheng C, Detriche G, Galloula A, Lilo Le Louet A, Messas E, Amar L, Goudot G, Mirault T. Fluoroquinolone use preceding visceral artery dissection: A case series. Angiology. 2023;10.1177/00033197231207945:33197231207945. 10.1177/00033197231207945.
  12. Rossi GP, Bagordo D, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Degenhart C, Widimsky J, Naruse M, Deinum J, Kocjan T, Negro A, Rossi E, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Rump LC, Vonend O, Willenberg HS, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Chee NYN, Magill SB, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Lee BC, Chang CC, Wu VC, Kratka Z, Battistel M, Rossitto G, Seccia TM. Unilaterally selective adrenal vein sampling for identification of surgically curable primary aldosteronism. Hypertension. 2023;80:2003-2013. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21247.
  13. Poulet G, Hulot JS, Blanchard A, Bergerot D, Xiao W, Ginot F, Boutonnet-Rodat A, Justine A, Beinse G, Geromel V, Pellegrina L, Azizi M, Laurent-Puig P, Benhaim L, Taly V. Circadian rhythm and circulating cell-free DNA release on healthy subjects. Sci Rep. 2023;13:21675. 10.1038/s41598-023-47851-w.
  14. Postel-Vinay N, Bobrie G, Asmar R, Stephan D, Amar L. Management of arterial hypertension: Home blood pressure measurement is a cornerstone for telemonitoring and self-management. Mhealth. 2023;9:18. 10.21037/mhealth-22-51.
  15. Mahfoud F, Azizi M, Daemen J, Sharp ASP, Patak A, Iglesias JF, Kirtane A, Fisher NDL, Scicli A, Lobo MD. Real-world experience with ultrasound renal denervation utilizing home blood pressure monitoring: The global paradise system registry study design. Clin Res Cardiol. 2023;10.1007/s00392-023-02325-x. 10.1007/s00392-023-02325-x.
  16. Lauder L, Mahfoud F, Azizi M, Bhatt DL, Ewen S, Kario K, Parati G, Rossignol P, Schlaich MP, Teo KK, Townsend RR, Tsioufis C, Weber MA, Weber T, Bohm M. Hypertension management in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities. Eur Heart J. 2023;44:2066-2077. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac395.
  17. Korb-Savoldelli V, Tran Y, Perrin G, Touchard J, Pastre J, Borowik A, Schwartz C, Chastel A, Thervet E, Azizi M, Amar L, Kably B, Arnoux A, Sabatier B. Psychometric properties of a machine learning-based patient-reported outcome measure on medication adherence: Single-center, cross-sectional, observational study. J Med Internet Res. 2023;25:e42384. 10.2196/42384.
  18. Kirtane AJ, Sharp ASP, Mahfoud F, Fisher NDL, Schmieder RE, Daemen J, Lobo MD, Lurz P, Basile J, Bloch MJ, Weber MA, Saxena M, Wang Y, Sanghvi K, Jenkins JS, Devireddy C, Rader F, Gosse P, Sapoval M, Barman NC, Claude L, Augustin D, Thackeray L, Mullin CM, Azizi M, Investigators R, Collaborators. Patient-level pooled analysis of ultrasound renal denervation in the sham-controlled radiance ii, radiance-htn solo, and radiance-htn trio trials. JAMA Cardiol. 2023;8:464-473. 10.1001/jamacardio.2023.0338.
  19. Ibarrola J, Lu Q, Zennaro MC, Jaffe IZ. Mechanism by which inflammation and oxidative stress induce mineralocorticoid receptor gene expression in aging vascular smooth muscle cells.Hypertension. 2023;80:111-124. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19213.
  20. Gosse P, Sentilhes L, Boulestreau R, Doublet J, Gaudissard J, Azizi M, Cremer A, investigators W-R. Endovascular ultrasound renal denervation to lower blood pressure in young hypertensive women planning pregnancy: Study protocol for a multicentre randomised, blinded and sham controlled proof of concept study. BMJ Open. 2023;13:e071164. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-071164.
  21. Fernandes-Rosa FL, Boulkroun S, Fedlaoui B, Hureaux M, Travers-Allard S, Drossart T, Favier J, Zennaro MC. New advances in endocrine hypertension: From genes to biomarkers. Kidney Int. 2023;103:485-500. 10.1016/j.kint.2022.12.021.
  22. de la Fouchardiere C, Haissaguerre M, Decaussin-Petrucci M, Renaudin K, Deschamps F, Mirallie E, Murez T, Pattou F, Rocher L, Savoie PH, Faron M, Taieb D, Tabarin A, Bertherat J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Amar L, Baudin E, Libe R. [french recommendations for malignant pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas by the national endocan-comete network]. Bull Cancer. 2023;110:1063-1083. 10.1016/j.bulcan.2023.06.002.
  23. de Freminville JB, Amar L, Azizi M, Mallart-Riancho J. Endocrine causes of hypertension: Literature review and practical approach. Hypertens Res. 2023;46:2679-2692. 10.1038/s41440-023-01461-1.
  24. Craiem D, Guilenea F, de Freminville JB, Azizi M, Casciaro ME, Gencer U, Jannot AS, Amar L, Soulat G, Mousseaux E. Abdominal aortic calcium and geometry in patients with essential hypertension. Diagn Interv Imaging. 2023;10.1016/j.diii.2023.12.005. 10.1016/j.diii.2023.12.005.
  25. Cavagna P, Leplay C, N’Guetta R, Kramoh KE, Diop IB, Balde DM, Mipinda JB, Azizi M, Jouven X, Antignac M. Hypertension treatment in sub-saharan africa: A systematic review. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2023;34:1-11. 10.5830/CVJA-2022-065.
  26. Branzoli F, Salgues B, Marjanska M, Laloi-Michelin M, Herman P, Le Collen L, Delemer B, Riancho J, Kuhn E, Jublanc C, Burnichon N, Amar L, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Buffet A, Lussey-Lepoutre C. Sdhx mutation and pituitary adenoma: Can in vivo 1h-mr spectroscopy unravel the link? Endocr Relat Cancer. 2023;30. 10.1530/ERC-22-0198.
  27. Bista S, Chatzidiakou L, Jones RL, Benmarhnia T, Postel-Vinay N, Chaix B. Associations of air pollution mixtures with ambulatory blood pressure: The mobilisense sensor-based study. Environ Res. 2023;227:115720. 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115720.
  28. Arisido MW, Foco L, Shoemaker R, Melotti R, Delles C, Gogele M, Barolo S, Baron S, Azizi M, Dominiczak AF, Zennaro MC, P PP, Poglitsch M, Pattaro C. Cluster analysis of angiotensin biomarkers to identify antihypertensive drug treatment in population studies. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2023;23:131. 10.1186/s12874-023-01930-8.



  1. Azizi M, Mahfoud F, Weber MA, Sharp ASP, Schmieder RE, Lurz P, Lobo MD, Fisher NDL, Daemen J, Bloch MJ, Basile J, Sanghvi K, Saxena M, Gosse P, Jenkins JS, Levy T, Persu A, Kably B, Claude L, Reeve-Stoffer H, McClure C, Kirtane AJ, Investigators R-H. Effects of renal denervation vs sham in resistant hypertension after medication escalation: Prespecified analysis at 6 months of the radiance-htn trio randomized clinical trial. JAMA Cardiol. 2022
  2. Chau KH, Azizi M, Kirtane AJ. What we know and don’t know about renal denervation to lower blood pressure. JAMA Cardiol. 2022;7:471-472
  3. Lauder L, Mahfoud F, Azizi M, Bhatt DL, Ewen S, Kario K, Parati G, Rossignol P, Schlaich MP, Teo KK, Townsend RR, Tsioufis C, Weber MA, Weber T, Bohm M. Hypertension management in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities. Eur Heart J. 2022. Nov 7:ehac395. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac395. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36342266
  4. Vibert R, Lahlou-Laforet K, Samadi M, Krivosic V, Blanc T, Amar L, Burnichon N, Abadie C, Richard S, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. Minors at risk of von hippel-lindau disease: 10 years’ experience of predictive genetic testing and follow-up adherence. Eur J Hum Genet. 2022;30:1171-1177
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  6. Saxena M, Schmieder RE, Kirtane AJ, Mahfoud F, Daemen J, Basile J, Lurz P, Gosse P, Sanghvi K, Fisher NDL, Rump LC, Pathak A, Blankestijn PJ, Mathur A, Wang Y, Weber MA, Sharp ASP, Bloch MJ, Barman NC, Claude L, Song Y, Azizi M, Lobo MD. Predictors of blood pressure response to ultrasound renal denervation in the radiance-htn solo study. J Hum Hypertens. 2022;36:629-639
  7. Sanghvi K, Wang Y, Daemen J, Mathur A, Jain A, Dohad S, Sapoval M, Azizi M, Mahfoud F, Lurz P, Sayer J, Levy T, Zagoria R, Loening AM, Coleman L, Craig D, Horesh-Bar M, Kirtane AJ. Renal artery variations in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension from the radiance-htn solo trial. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2022;39:58-65
  8. Rossi GP, Rossitto G, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Degenhart C, Widimsky J, Naruse M, Deinum J, Schultze Kool L, Kocjan T, Negro A, Rossi E, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Rump LC, Vonend O, Willenberg HS, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Chee NYN, Margill SB, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Lee BC, Wu VC, Kratka Z, Seccia TM, Lenzini L. Drug-resistant hypertension in primary aldosteronism patients undergoing adrenal vein sampling: The avis-2-rh study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022;29:e85-e93
  9. Rossi GP, Crimi F, Rossitto G, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Degenhart C, Widimsky J, Naruse M, Deinum J, Kool LS, Kocjan T, Negro A, Rossi E, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Rump LC, Vonend O, Willenberg HS, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Chee NYN, Magill SB, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Wu VC, Kratka Z, Barbiero G, Battistel M, Seccia TM. Feasibility of imaging-guided adrenalectomy in young patients with primary aldosteronism. Hypertension. 2022;79:187-195
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  14. Pommer G, Pamporaki C, Peitzsch M, Remde H, Deutschbein T, Nolting S, Muller LM, Braun L, Gruber S, Pecori A, Hampson S, Davies E, Stell A, Rossi GP, Lenzini L, Ceccato F, Timmers H, Deinum J, Amar L, Blanchard A, Baron S, Fassnacht M, Dobrowolski P, Januszewicz A, Zennaro MC, Prejbisz A, Eisenhofer G. Preanalytical considerations and outpatient versus inpatient tests of plasma metanephrines to diagnose pheochromocytoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:e3689-e3698
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  16. Persu A, Dobrowolski P, Gornik HL, Olin JW, Adlam D, Azizi M, Boutouyrie P, Bruno RM, Boulanger M, Demoulin JB, Ganesh SK, T JG, Januszewicz M, Kovacic JC, Kruk M, de Leeuw P, Loeys BL, Pappaccogli M, Perik M, Touze E, Van der Niepen P, Van Twist DJL, Warchol-Celinska E, Prejbisz A, Januszewicz A. Current progress in clinical, molecular, and genetic aspects of adult fibromuscular dysplasia. Cardiovasc Res. 2022;118:65-83
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  20. Lane D, Lawson A, Burns A, Azizi M, Burnier M, Jones DJL, Kably B, Khunti K, Kreutz R, Patel P, Persu A, Spiering W, Toennes SW, Tomaszewski M, Williams B, Gupta P, Dasgupta I, Endorsed by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Cardiovascular P, Adherence. Nonadherence in hypertension: How to develop and implement chemical adherence testing. Hypertension. 2022;79:12-23
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  22. Kably B, Billaud EM, Derobertmasure A, Blanchard A, Boutouyrie P, Azizi M. Urine n-acetyl-ser-asp-lys-pro measurement as a versatile biomarker to assess adherence to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. J Hypertens. 2022;40:348-355
  23. Harmacek D, Blanchard A, Wuerzner G, Maillard M, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M, Bonny O. Acute decrease of urine calcium by amiloride in healthy volunteers under high-sodium diet. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2022;37:298-303
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  26. Fisher NDL, Kirtane AJ, Daemen J, Rader F, Lobo MD, Saxena M, Abraham J, Schmieder RE, Sharp ASP, Gosse P, Claude L, Song Y, Azizi M, Investigators R-H. Plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations related to endovascular ultrasound renal denervation in the radiance-htn solo trial. J Hypertens. 2022;40:221-228
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  29. De Sousa K, Abdellatif AB, Giscos-Douriez I, Meatchi T, Amar L, Fernandes-Rosa FL, Boulkroun S, Zennaro MC. Colocalization of wnt/beta-catenin and acth signaling pathways and paracrine regulation in aldosterone-producing adenoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:419-434
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    3. Boulkroun S, Fernandes-Rosa FL, Zennaro MC. Old and new genes in primary aldosteronism.Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;34:101375
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  1. Azizi M, Schmieder RE, Mahfoud F, Weber MA, Daemen J, Lobo MD, et al. Six-Month Results of Treatment-Blinded Medication Titration for Hypertension Control Following Randomization to Endovascular Ultrasound Renal Denervation or a Sham Procedure in the RADIANCE-HTN SOLO Trial. Circulation. 2019.Mar 17. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040451.
  2. Azizi M, Rossignol P, Hulot JS. Emerging Drug Classes and Their Potential Use in Hypertension. 2019; 74(5): 1075-83.
  3. Courand PY, Dinic M, Lorthioir A, Bobrie G, Grataloup C, Denarie N, Azizi M, Amar L Resistant Hypertension and Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis: Effects of Angioplasty on Ambulatory Blood Pressure. A Retrospective Uncontrolled Single-Center Study. Hypertension. 2019;74(6): 1516-23.
  4. Azizi M, Courand PY, Denolle T, Delsart P, Zhygalina V, Amar L, et al.A pilot double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover pharmacodynamic study of the centrally active aminopeptidase A inhibitor, firibastat, in hypertension. J Hypertens. 2019; 37(8): 1722-8.
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  27. Touze E, Southerland AM, Boulanger M, Labeyrie PE, Azizi M, Bouatia-Naji N, et al.Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Its Neurologic Manifestations: A Systematic Review. JAMA Neurol. 2019; 76(2): 217-26.
  28. Job S, Draskovic I, Burnichon N, Buffet A, Cros J, Lepine C, Venisse A, Robidel E, Verkarre V, Meatchi T, Sibony M, Amar L, Bertherat J, de Reynies A, Londono-Vallejo A, Favier J, Castro-Vega LJ, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. Telomerase activation and atrx mutations are independent risk factors for metastatic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Clin Cancer Res. 2019;25:760-770
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  2. Amar L, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Lenders JW, Djadi-Prat J, Plouin PF, Steichen O. Management of endocrine disease: Recurrence or new tumors after complete resection of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2016;175:R135-145
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  1. Amar L, Lorthioir A, Giavarini A, Plouin PF, Azizi M. Reconnaître, évaluer et prendre en charge une hypertension artérielle d’origine surrénale. Presse Med 2014;43:420-7
  2. Auchus RJ, Brown M, Lenders JW, Naruse M, Plouin PF, Satoh F, Young WF Jr, Rossi GP.Response to implementation of rapid cortisol during adrenal vein sampling.Hypertension 2014;63:e89
  3. Azizi M, Perdrix L, Bobrie G, Frank M, Chatellier G, Ménard J,Plouin PF. Greater efficacy of aldosterone blockade and diuretic reinforcement vs. dual renin-angiotensin blockade for LVM regression in patients with resistant hypertension. J Hypertens 2014;32:2038-44
  4. Balavoine F, Azizi M, Bergerot D, De Mota N, Patouret R, Roques P, Llorens-Cortes C.randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalating phase I study of QGC001, a centrally acting aminopeptidase A inhibitor prodrug. ClinPharmacokinet 2014;53:385-95
  5. Balcarek J, Seva Pessoa B, Bryson C, Azizi M, Menard J, Garrelds IM, McGeehan G, Reeves RA, Griffith SG, Danser AH, Gregg R. Multiple ascending dose study with the new renin inhibitor VTP-27999: nephrocentric consequences of too much renin inhibition. Hypertension 2014;63:942-50
  6. Berthon A, Drelon C, Ragazzon B, Boulkroun S, Tissier F, Amar L, Samson-Couterie B, Zennaro MC, Plouin PF, Skah S, Plateroti M, Lefèbvre H, Sahut-Barnola I, Batisse-Lignier M, Assié G, Lefrançois-Martinez AM, Bertherat J, Martinez A, Val P. WNT/β-catenin signalling is activated in aldosterone producing adenomas and controls aldosterone production. Hum Mol Genet 2014;23:889-905
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  10. Nguyen G, Blanchard A, Curis E, Bergerot D, Chambon Y, Hirose T, Caumont-Prim A, Tabard SB, Baron S, Frank M, Totsune K, Azizi M. Plasma soluble (pro)renin receptor is independent of plasma renin, prorenin, and aldosterone concentrations but is affected by ethnicity. Hypertension 2014;63:297-302
  11. Persu A, Azizi M, Jin Y, Volz S, Rosa J, FadlElmula FE, Pechere-Bertschi A, Burnier M, Mark PB, Elvan A, Renkin J, Sapoval M, Kahan T, Kjeldsen S, Staessen JA. Hyperresponders vs. nonresponder patients after renal denervation: do they differ? J Hypertens 2014;32:2422-7
  12. Persu A, Giavarini A, Touzé E, Januszewicz A, Sapoval M, Azizi M, Barral X, Jeunemaitre X, Morganti A, Plouin PF, de Leeuw P. European consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia. J Hypertens 2014;32:1367-78
  13. Persu A, Januszewicz A, Morganti A, Plouin PF, de Leeuw P. Diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia. J Hypertens 2014;32:2098-9
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  15. Persu A, Sapoval M, Azizi M, Monge M, Danse E, Hammer F, Renkin J. Renal artery stenosis following renal denervation: a matter of concern. J Hypertens 2014;32:2101-5
  16. Plouin PF, Amar L, Azizi M. Dilatation des sténoses athéroscléreuses des artères rénales : la fin de l’histoire ? Rev Med Intern 2014;35:697-9
  17. Postel-Vinay N, Bobrie G, Steichen O, Sosner P, Baguet JP, Gosse P, Plouin PF. HY-QUEST – Standardised patient questionnaire to be completed at home before a first visit for hypertension. A validation study in specialisedcentres in France. J Hypertens 2014;32:693-8
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  20. Rafat C, Zinzindohoue F, Hernigou A, Hignette C, Favier J, Tenenbaum F, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Plouin PF, Amar L. Peritoneal implantation of pheochromocytoma following tumor capsule rupture during surgery. J ClinEndocrinolMetab 2014;99:E2681-5
  21. Rossi GP, Auchus R, Brown M, Lenders JWM, Naruse M, Plouin PF, Satoh F, Young WF. An expert consensus statement on use of adrenal vein sampling for the subtyping of primary aldosteronism. Hypertension 2014;63:151-60
  22. Sapoval M, Azizi M. Renal artery denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension. Update after Medtronic announcement that its Symplicity HTN3 study failed to meet its primary efficacy end point. DiagnInterv Imaging 2014;95:353-4
  23. Steichen P, Plouin PF. Prise en charge actuelle de l’hypertension artérielle. Rev Med Intern 2014;35:235-42


  1. Amar L, Azizi M, Ménard J, Peyrard S, Plouin PF. Sequential comparison of aldosterone synthase inhibition and mineralocorticoid blockade in patients with primary aldosteronism. J Hypertens 2013;31:624-9
  2. Amar L, Savard S, Steichen O, Azizi M, Plouin PF. Classification de la dysplasie fibromusculaire des artères rénales en deux types angiographiques : concordances cliniques. J Mal Vasc 2013; 38:115-6
  3. Azizi M, Amar L, Ménard J. Aldosterone synthase inhibition in humans. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013;28:36-43
  4. Azizi M, Blanchard A, Charbit B, Wuerzner G, Peyrard S, Ezan E, Funck-Brentano C,Menard J: Effect of contrasted sodium diets on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of renin-angiotensin system blockers. Hypertension 2013;61: 1239-45
  5. Azizi M, Menard J. Renin inhibitors and cardiovascular and renal protection: an endless quest? Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2013;38: 832-40
  6. Azizi M, Monge M, Lorthioir A, Bobrie G, Amar L. Can we use mineralocorticoid receptor blockade in diabetic patients with resistant hypertension? Yes we can! But it may be a double-edged sword. J Hypertens 2013;31: 1948-51
  7. Beuschlein F, Boulkroun S, Osswald A, Wieland T, Nielsen HN, Lichtenauer UD, Penton D, Schack VR, Amar L, Fischer E, Walther A, Tauber P, Schwarzmayr T, Diener S, Graf E, Allolio B, Samson-Couterie B, Benecke A, Quinkler M, Fallo F, Plouin PF, Mantero F, Meitinger T, Mulatero P, Jeunemaitre X, Warth R, Vilsen B, Zennaro MC, Strom TM, Reincke M. Somatic mutations in ATP1A1 and ATP2B3 lead to aldosterone-producing adenomas and secondary hypertension. Nat Genet 2013;45:440-4
  8. Blanchard A, Steichen O, De Mota N, Curis E, Gauci C, Frank M, Wuerzner G, Kamenicky P, Passeron A, Azizi M, Llorens-Cortes C: An abnormal apelin/vasopressin balance may contribute to water retention in patients with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) and heart failure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013;98: 2084-9
  9. Boulkroun S, Golib Dzib JF, Samson-Couterie B, Rosa FL, Rickard AJ, Meatchi T, Amar L, Benecke A, Zennaro MC. KCNJ5 mutations in aldosterone producing adenoma and relationship with adrenal cortex remodeling. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2013;371:221-7
  10. Funck-Brentano C, Szymezak J, Steichen O, Ducint D, Molimard M, Remones V, Azizi M,Gaussem P: Effects of rabeprazole on the antiplatelet effects and pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel in healthy volunteers. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2013;12: 661-75.
  11. Giavarini A, Chedid A, Bobrie G, Plouin PF, Hagège A, Amar L. Acute catecholamine cardiomyopathy in patients with phaeochromocytoma or functional paraganglioma. Heart 2013;99:1438-44
  12. Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Caumont-Prim A, Houzard C, Hignette C, Hernigou A, Halimi P, Niccoli P, Leboulleux S, Amar L, Borson-Chazot F, Cardot-Bauters C, Delemer B, Chabolle F, Coupier I, Libé R, Peitzsch M, Peyrard S, Tenenbaum F, Plouin PF, Chatellier G, Rohmer V. Imaging work-up for screening of paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma in SDHx mutation carriers: a multicenter prospective study from the PGL.EVA investigators. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013; 98:E162-73
  13. Hescot S, Leboulleux S, Amar L, Vezzosi D, Borget I, Bournaud-Salinas C, de la Fouchardiere C, Libé R, Do Cao C, Niccoli P, Tabarin A, Raingeard I, Chougnet C, Giraud S, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Young J, Borson-Chazot F, Bertherat J, Wemeau JL, Bertagna X, Plouin PF, Schlumberger M, Baudin E; for the French group of Endocrine and Adrenal tumors (GTE –RENATEN and COMETE networks). One-year progression-free survival of therapy-naïve patients with malignant pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013 98:4006-12
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  15. Monge M, Lorthioir A, Bobrie G, Azizi M. New drug therapies interfering with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system for resistant hypertension. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst 2013;14:285-9
  16. Monge M, Lorthioir A, Bobrie G, Briet M, Plouin PF, Sapoval M, Azizi M. Endovascular renal nerve ablation as a treatment for resistant hypertension. J Mal Vasc 2013;38:367-72
  17. Persu A, Azizi M, Burnier M, Staessen JA. Residual effect of renal denervation in patients with truly resistant hypertension. Hypertension 2013;62: 450-2
  18. Savard S, Amar L, Plouin PF, Steichen O. Cardiovascular complications associated with primary aldosteronism: a controlled cross-sectional study. Hypertension 2013;62:331-6
  19. Savard S, Azarine A, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M, Plouin PF, Steichen O. Association of smoking with phenotype at diagnosis and vascular interventions in patients with renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia. Hypertension 2013;61:1227-32
  20. Vidal-Trecan T, El Batti S, Plouin PF, Sapoval M, Fichelle JM, Fabiani JN. Hypertension artérielle rénovasculaire sévère : traitement par angioplastie aortique et autotransplantation du rein. J Mal Vasc 2013;38:131-2
  21. Syndrome de Conn : Nouvelles pistes génétiques (Nature Genetics Février 2013)  Présentation 


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  2. Amar L, Fassnacht M, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Januszewicz A, Prejbisz A, Timmers H, Plouin PF. Long-term postoperative follow-up in patients with apparently benign pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.  Horm Metab Res 2012;44:385-9
  3. Azizi M, Steichen O, Frank M, Bobrie G, Plouin PF, Sapoval M. Catheter-based radiofrequency renal-nerve ablation in patients with resistant hypertension. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2012;43:293-9
  4. Bobrie G, Frank M, Azizi M, Peyrard S, Boutouyrie P, Chatellier G, Laurent S, Menard J, Plouin PF. Sequential nephron blockade versus sequential renin-angiotensin system blockade in resistant hypertension: a prospective randomized open blinded end point study in a tertiary referral centre. J Hypertension 2012
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  8. Favier J, Igaz P, Burnichon N, Amar L, Libé R, Badoual C, Tissier F, Bertherat J, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. Rationale for anti-angiogenic therapy in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Endocr Pathol 2012;23:34-42
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  11. Lepoutre-Lussey C, Rousseau A, Al Ghuzlan A, Amar L, Hignette C, Cioffi A, Zinzindohoué F, Leboulleux S, Plouin PF. Primary adrenal angiosarcoma and functioning adrenocortical adenoma: an exceptional composite tumor. Eur J Endocrinol 2012;166:131-5
  12. Loriot C, Burnichon N, Gadessaud N, Vescovo L, Amar L, Libé R, Bertherat J, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Favier J. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition is activated in metastatic pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas caused by SDHB gene mutations. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print]
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  16. Persu A, Touzé E, Mousseaux E, Barral X, Joffre F, Plouin PF. Diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia: an expert consensus. Europ J Clin Invest 2012;42:338-47
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  1. Amar L, Azarine A, Carreira E, Vidal-Trécan T, Plouin PF. Dysplasie des artères rénales chez l’adulte. Presse Med 2011;40:720-5
  2. Azizi M, Frank M, Steichen O, Blanchard A. [Advantages and limitations of renin inhibition with aliskiren]. Ann Pharm Fr 2011;69:142-50
  3. Bergaya S, Faure S, Baudrie V, Rio M, Escoubet B, Bonnin P, Henrion D, Loirand G, Achard JM, Jeunemaitre X, Hadchouel J. WNK1 regulates vasoconstriction and blood pressure response to alpha 1-adrenergic stimulation in mice. Hypertension. 2011; 58(3):439-45.
  4. Blanchard A, Frank M, Wuerzner G, Peyrard S, Bankir L, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M. Antinatriuretic effect of vasopressin in humans is amiloride sensitive, thus ENaC dependent. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011; 6:753-9
  5. Boulkroun S, Samson-Couterie B, Golib-Dzib JF, Amar L, Plouin PF, Sibony M, Lefebvre H, Louiset E, Jeunemaitre X, Meatchi T, Benecke A, Lalli E, Zennaro MC. Aldosterone-producing adenoma formation in the adrenal cortex involves expression of stem/progenitor cell markers. Endocrinology 2011;152:4753-63
  6. Burnichon N, Lepoutre-Lussey C, Laffaire J, Gadessaud N, Molinié V, Hernigou A, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. A novel TMEM127 mutation in a patient with familial bilateral pheochromocytoma. Eur J Endocrinol 2011;164:141-5
  7. Burnichon N, Vescovo L, Amar L, Libé R, de Reynies A, Venisse A, Jouanno E, Laurendeau I, Parfait B, Bertherat J, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. Integrative genomic analysis reveals somatic mutations in pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas. Hum Mol Genet 2011;15:3974-85
  8. Burnichon N, Vescovo L, Amar L, Libé R, de Reynies A, Venisse A, Jouanno E, Laurendeau I, Parfait B, Bertherat J, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. Integrative genomic analysis reveals somatic mutations in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Hum Mol Genet. 2011; 20(20):3974-85.
  9. Chamarthi B, Williams GH, Ricchiuti V, Srikumar N, Hopkins PN, Luther JM, Jeunemaitre X, Thomas A. Inflammation and hypertension: the interplay of interleukin-6, dietary sodium, and the renin-angiotensin system in humans. Am J Hypertens. 2011; 24(10):1143-8
  10. Hubert EL, Teissier R, Fernandes-Rosa FL, Fay M, Rafestin-Oblin ME, Jeunemaitre X, Metz C, Escoubet B, Zennaro MC. Mineralocorticoid receptor mutations and a severe recessive pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011; 22(11):1997-2003.
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  12. Korpershoek E, Favier J, Gaal J, Burnichon N, van Gessel B, Oudijk L, Badoual C, Gadessaud N, Venisse A, Bayley JP, van Dooren MF, de Herder WW, Tissier F, Plouin PF, van Nederveen FH, Dinjens WNM, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, de Krijger RR. SDHA immunohistochemistry detects germline SDHA gene mutations in apparently sporadic paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:E1472-6
  13. Pasquini M, Trystram D, Oppenheim C, Plouin PF, Touzé E. Dysplasie fibromusculaire cervicale et intracrânienne. Presse Med 2011;40:713-9
  14. Pojoga LH, Underwood PC, Goodarzi MO, Williams JS, Adler GK, Jeunemaitre X, Hopkins PN, Raby BA, Lasky-Su J, Sun B, Cui J, Guo X, Taylor KD, Chen YD, Xiang A, Raffel LJ, Buchanan TA, Rotter JI, Williams GH. Variants of the caveolin-1 gene: a translational investigation linking insulin resistance and hypertension. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011; 96(8):E1288-92.
  15. Steichen O, Blanchard A, Plouin PF. Assessment of the serum sodium to urinary sodium divided by (serum potassium)² to urinary potassium as a screening tool for primary aldosteronism. Europ J Clin Invest 2011;41:189-94
  16. Sun B, Williams JS, Pojoga L, Chamarthi B, Lasky-Su J, Raby BA, Hopkins PN, Jeunemaitre X, Brown NJ, Ferri C, Williams GH. Renin gene polymorphism: its relationship to hypertension, renin levels and vascular responses. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2011; 12(4):564-71.
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  18. Underwood PC, Sun B, Williams JS, Pojoga LH, Raby B, Lasky-Su J, Hunt S, Hopkins PN, Jeunemaitre X, Adler GK, Williams GH. The association of the angiotensinogen gene with insulin sensitivity in humans: a tagging single nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype approach Metabolism. 2011; 60(8):1150-7
  19. Williams JS, Hopkins PN, Jeunemaitre X, Brown NJ. CYP4A11 T8590C polymorphism, salt-sensitive hypertension, and renal blood flow. J Hypertens. 2011; 29(10):1913-8
  20. Zhang Y, Shen J, He X, Zhang K, Wu S, Xiao B, Zhou X, Phillips RS, Gao P, Jeunemaitre X, Zhu D. A rare variant at the KYNU gene is associated with kynureninase activity and essential hypertension in the Han Chinese population. Circulation Cardiovasc Genet. 2011; 4(6):687-94


  1. Amar L, Azizi M, Menard J, Peyrard S, Watson C, Plouin PF. Aldosterone synthase inhibition with LCI699. A proof-of-concept study in patients with primary aldosteronism. Hypertension 2010;56:831-8
  2. Amar L, Lepoutre C, Bobrie G, Plouin PF. Hypertension endocrine. Rev Med Interne 2010;31:697-704
  3. Amar L, Plouin PF, Steichen O. Aldosterone-producing adenoma and other surgically correctable forms of primary aldosteronism. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2010;5:9
  4. Boulkroun S, Samson-Couterie B, Golib Dzib JF, Lefebvre H, Louiset E, Amar L, Plouin PF, Lalli E, Jeunemaitre X, Benecke A, Meatchi T, Zennaro MC. Adrenal cortex remodeling and functional zona glomerulosa hyperplasia in primary aldosteronism. Hypertension 2010;56:885-92
  5. Burnichon N, Brière JJ, Libé R, Vescovo L, Rivière J, Tissier F, Jouanno E, Jeunemaitre X, Bénit P, Tzagoloff A, Rustin P, Bertherat J, Favier J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP. SDHA is a tumor suppressor gene causing paraganglioma. Hum Mol Genet. 2010;19(15):3011-20.
  6. Consoli SM, Lemogne C, Roch B, Laurent S, Plouin PF, Lane RD. Differences in emotion processing in patients with essential and secondary hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2010;23:515-21
  7. Elvira-Matelot E, Zhou X, Farman N, Beaurain G, Henrion-Caude A, Hadchouel J and Jeunemaitre X. Regulation of WNK1 by miR-192, a kidney-specific microRNA whose expression is modulated by aldosterone. J Am Soc Nephrol  2010; 21; 1724-1731.
  8. Frank M, Peyrard S, Bobrie G, Azizi M. Method of mean value calculation as an additional source of variability in ambulatory blood pressure measurement. Am J Hypertens 2010 23:725-31
  9. Gaal J, Burnichon N, Korpershoek E, Roncelin I, Bertherat J, Plouin PF, de Krijger RR, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Dinjens WNM. IDH mutations are rare in pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95:1274-8
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  11. Grouzmann E, Drouard-Troalen L, Baudin E, Plouin PF, Muller B, Grand G, Buclin T. Diagnostic accuracy of free and total metanephrines in plasma and fractionated metanephrines in urine of patients with pheochromocytoma. Europ J Endocrinol 2010;162:951-60
  12. Hadchouel J, Soukaseum C, Büsst C, Zhou XO, Baudrie V, Zürrer T, Cambillau M, Elghozi JL, Lifton RP, Loffing J, Jeunemaitre X. Decreased ENaC expression compensates the increased NCC activity following inactivation of the kidney-specific isoform of WNK1 and prevents hypertension. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 ;107:18109-14
  13. Lepoutre-Lussey C, Plouin PF, Steichen O. Cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients born in Northern Africa and living in France. Blood Press 2010;19:75-80
  14. Manolopoulou J, Gerum S, Mulatero P, Rossignol P, Plouin PF, Reincke M, Bidlingmaier M. Salivary aldosterone as a diagnostic aid in primary aldosteronism. Horm Metab Res 2010;42:400-5
  15. Plouin PF, Bax L. Diagnosis and treatment of renal artery stenosis. Nat Rev Nephrol 2010;6:151-9
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  17. Steichen O, Amar L, Plouin PF. Primary stenting for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1574-80
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  20. Touzé E, Oppenheim C, Trystram D, Nokam G, Pasquini M, Alamowitch S, Hervé D, Garnier P, Mousseaux E, Plouin PF. Fibromuscular dysplasia of cervical and intracranial arteries. Int J Stroke 2010; 5:296-305
  21. Trinquart L, Mounier-Vehier C, Sapoval M, Gagnon N, Plouin PF. Efficacy of revascularization for renal artery stenosis caused by fibromuscular dysplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hypertension 2010;56:525-32
  22. Underwood PC, Sun B, Williams JS, Pojoga LH, Chamarthi B, Lasky-Su J, Raby BA, Hopkins PN, Jeunemaitre X, Brown NJ, Adler GK, Williams GH. The relationship between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and renin: a human genetics study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010; 95(9):E75-9
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  24. Watkins WS, Hunt SC, Williams GH, Tolpinrud W, Jeunemaitre X, Lalouel JM, Jorde LB. Genotype-phenotype analysis of angiotensinogen polymorphisms and essential hypertension: the importance of haplotypes. J Hypertension 2010; 28(1):65-75.


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